Author: Joshua

  • Seek Wonder and Sages for Wise Growth

    Seek Wonder and Sages for Wise Growth
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    Just as our bodies require nourishment and our lungs depend on fresh air, our souls are sustained by wisdom. This wisdom is not a luxury but an essential component of true human life. In a world where meaning is elusive, the absence of wisdom can leave us existentially malnourished and adrift in life. How might… Read more

  • You Need Two, not One, Sorts of Wisdom

    You Need Two, not One, Sorts of Wisdom

    In Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, Alfred is more than just Bruce Wayne’s butler—he is his mentor, a voice of reason who tempers Bruce’s reckless tendencies with wisdom. Though Bruce Wayne is intelligent, his passion sometimes blinds him, and Alfred’s counsel keeps him from disaster. Most of us aren’t superheroes, but we all face moments… Read more

  • Design Your Life to Find Meaning?

    Design Your Life to Find Meaning?
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    We all want meaning. But what if our approach to life design keeps us from it? The 2022 film Living, starring Bill Nighy, is a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru (1952). It beautifully captures a man’s search for meaning in the face of mortality. The film is set in 1950s London where a humorless and lonely… Read more